2011 Vol.3 Rebuilt Japan
The Quarterly Journal of Public Policy & Management is a quarterly magazine of Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting.
Special Edition : Rebuilt Japan
How can Japan be Rebuilt?
Iwao Nakatani
After the Earthquake Disaster
Yoichiro Murakami
An Era of a Major Shift: Civilizational Implications of a Catastrophic Earthquake
Keishi Saeki
Give Capitalism a Chance
Makoto Mitsuya
An Examination of the Post-Earthquake Recovery from Local Perspectives
Kosuke Motani
The Japanese Economy Moving toward Reconstruction
Shinichirou Kobayashi
The Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Future of Japan: From the Perspective of Japan’s Reconstruction
Kenichi Kobayashi
Potential to Shift toward New Lifestyles as a Response to this Spring’s Earthquake Disaster
Hitoshi Sakurai
The Importance of a Business Continuity System for Local Governments as Revealed by Previous Disaster Responses
The Approach of Companies to Crisis Management
Masashi Komoike
Lessons Organizational Members Should Learn from the Nuclear Plant Disaster
Hiroki Nato
Reconsidering the Communication Strategies of Electric Power Companies
Akiko Matsuda
Koto Katari Marketing: What Urban General Merchandise Stores Need to Pursue in the Post-Earthquake Disaster Period
Chisa Suzuki