The University of Queensland Business School & Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting presented the International Seminar “Changing Society, Economy and Environment: Approach to 2020”

Date Thursday November 24,2016
Venue ANNEX@19th Floor, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting
Organized by Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting, Team for Japan 2020
Co-organized by The University of Queensland, Business School
Supported by Queensland Government Tokyo Office

It is less than 4 years to the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo. Such a mega sporting event that brings significant influence to wider area and subjects can be used as a great opportunity to change regions and societies. In this seminar, we invited researchers from the University of Queensland Business School and Municipal Research Institute as guest speakers to discuss cases from Japan and abroad. Then, key factors to maximize the opportunity of having the Games were discussed.

14:30~ Welcome Speech
14:35~ Keynote Speech

  • Dr. Sarah Jane Kelly, MBA Director and Senior Lecturer & Dr. Monica Chien, Business School Lecturer, Business School, The University of Queensland
    “Turning 17 Days into 17 Years: Leveraging the Olympics and Creating Legacy for All”
  • Mr. Rin Watanabe, Researcher & Mr. Naoki Motohashi, Chief Consultant, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting
    “Key for Success of the Games: Learning from Rio de Janeiro”
15:15~ Sessions

  • Dr. Monica Chien, Business School Lecturer, Business School, The University of Queensland
    “Using the Olympics to Optimize Tourism Benefits: Making Your City A Winner”
  • Mr. Tanaka, Tourism Strategy Group General Manager, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting
    “Omotenashi: Japanese Hospitality for Foreigners”
  • Ms. Okuno, Senior Analyst, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting
    “Role and Social Impact of Private Sector: From a Perspective of Sustainability and Inclusion”
  • Dr. Sarah Jane Kelly, MBA Director Senior Lecturer, Business School, The University of Queensland
    “The Value of the Olympics for Non-host Cities”
  • Mr. Takahashi, Researcher, The Institute for Tokyo Municipal Research
    “Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games & Local Development: Utilization of Olympic Legacies in Local Communities”
17:10~ Panel Discussion
Approach to 2020 ~Question and Answer Session – Today’s Summary

  • Facilitator: Mr. Motohashi ・Panelist: All speakers
17:40~ Closing Speech

We are sorry but the handouts of that day were only in Japanese.

Dr. Monica Chien(Business School, The University of Queensland)
Dr. Monica Chien(Business School, The University of Queensland)

Dr. Sarah Jane Kelly(Business School, The University of Queensland)
Dr. Sarah Jane Kelly(Business School, The University of Queensland)

Mr. Rin Watanabe(Researcher, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)
Mr. Rin Watanabe(Researcher, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)

Mr. Naoki Motohashi(Chief Consultant, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)
Mr. Naoki Motohashi(Chief Consultant, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)

Mr. Mitsufumi Tanaka(Tourism Strategy Group General Manager, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)
Mr. Mitsufumi Tanaka(Tourism Strategy Group General Manager, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)

Ms. Maiko Okuno(Senior Analyst, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)
Ms. Maiko Okuno(Senior Analyst, Mitsubishi UFJ Research and Consulting)

Mr. Osamu Takahashi(Researcher, The Institute for Tokyo Municipal Research)
Mr. Osamu Takahashi(Researcher, The Institute for Tokyo Municipal Research)

Panel Discussion
Panel Discussion

Closing Speech
Closing Speech

A venue situation
A venue situation